Happy New Year! Our New Year started with the hubby packing his bags. Hubby left this week for training in the States prior to his onward assignment. This is the second time we have done an unaccompanied tour, and I'm happy to report it is much easier this round. This time, not only did I know what to expect, I'm also surrounded by a huge group of co-workers and friends that know exactly where the hubby is, what he is doing, why he is doing it, and are very supportive. Having a 4 year old vs. a 4 month old also helps!
I'm grateful that this time we do not have to go through an overwhelming amount of changes all at once. The first time we did an unaccompanied tour, I quit my job, left my house, rented my house, moved in with my family, had a baby, and said goodbye to my spouse who was going to a place that 6 months earlier I had never heard of-Lagos, Nigeria. I'd say any one of those changes are enough to make a person a little nuts. Getting hit with all of them at once was overwhelming to say the least. I had a wonderfully supportive family that let me blow off steam/stress/the general crazies by getting back into running. Nonetheless, not something I wanted to repeat.
This time around, we are lucky to keep our housing, Nat's school, my job, and no one has to pack up other than the spouse. We will only be about a 5 hour plan ride apart and an 1 1/2 hour difference in time zones. Plus, I don't have to spend time explaining to folks here why we are doing what we are doing-it is accepted as a sacrifice that many State employees make and supported.
That said, we know this is not going to be easy. Hubby is going to a war zone. I'm juggling a job, a kido, and 2 crazy pups in a foreign country. I was reminded of this the other night when we randomly had about 6 inches of snow dumped on us during a rare winter snowstorm. Juggling 2 dogs (one of which is the size of a large human) and 1 very excited kido in the snow in the dark makes for a major adventure. I'm also reminded that we are very lucky to be where we are-I've been overwhelmed with offers of dinners, playdates (for the kido), shopping trips, and general adventures around town. Even if we don't take you up on them right away, know that we appreciate all of the offers.
We will get through it and, I very much hope, have some great adventures along the way.
Here's to the New Year and new adventures.
As an added bonus, this is only for a year, whereas last time it was for two. And, you get the benefit of having the pups, which gives the kiddo furry playmates.