Not bad right?
Everything is an adventure-there are new languages to navigate, customs, road blocks (occasionally cows), and friends to make along the way. Favorite Road Block...moo:

The journey is often just as much fun as the destination:

One of my favorite Turkish road signs leading down this road:

Over the last two years of living in Istanbul, Turkey, we have had plenty of adventures. Our car and our feet have taken us on gravel roads, through tiny villages, and to popular beach resorts on the Mediterranean coast. Usually, when we return from travel, I create giant photo albums showing all our adventures. But, the stories of the waiter that brought us glasses of tea because he wanted us to stay a little longer, or the merchant that gave diplo-kid a ring just because, or the countless things that happen along the way have a tendancy to get a little lost. This is my new attempt to keep up with our tales-enjoy our journey!
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